Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rick Perry Tries to bring Guns to Texas

     In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings Connecticut and New York both passed stricter gun control laws. Interestingly enough, both states house two of the largest manufacturing sites of firearms in the United States. Attempting to take advantage of the manufacturers adverse reaction to new gun control regulations, governor Rick Perry has been in contact with the folks at Colt and Mossberg & Sons trying to convince them to bring their business to Texas. His tactics have included visits and radio advertising campaigns that display Texas' strong pro-business laws.

     Although no plans have been made as of yet for those companies to come to Texas, I find Perry's intentions interesting. From an economic standpoint it seems to make sense. Gun control laws have upset manufacturer A, B, and C in State X and thus a perfect opportunity is presented to wrangle up some fresh business for the already thriving Texas economy presents itself. According to our textbook Texas has always been "pro-Texas business," and this political maneuver by Governor Perry appears to be upholding that notion. Whether or not Perry's initiative is a direct result of the Sandy Hook incident and corresponding gun control laws is not completely known however. According to spokesperson Lucy Nash, these conversations between Perry and gun manufacturers in various states have been ongoing for some time. Whatever the reason, any new business in Texas can't be a bad thing..right?

1 comment:

  1. “Rick Perry tries to bring Guns to Texas”, an article written by Wes Davis, a fellow classmate of government 2306. Davis’ commentary of how two states, Connecticut and New York, both states with the largest gun manufactures in the United States have passed stricter laws on guns after the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary incident.
    Davis said that governor Rick Perry has been in contact with the gun manufactures to try to convince them to bring their business to Texas where the gun regulations are not that strict. On his blog he uses points that come from the textbook like Texas has always been “pro-Texas business,” and how governor Rick Perry is trying to uphold this notion. This is a good point as he uses credible information to clarified Rick Perry’s thinking, as he wants to bring the gun manufacturing business to Texas.
    However, I think I sort of disagree and agree with my fellow classmate, as he said, whatever the reason maybe, any new business in Texas can’t be a bad thing? The reason why I disagree is because bringing new business to Texas will create lots of jobs and will help boost the economy and here is where I agree with Davis as he also thinks that it will be a good economic standpoint. I know that guns always create a controversial talk, even though that is the case I believe that Texas will make the perfect candidate for the guns manufactures to bring their business to. Nonetheless I can be wrong, whatever the results maybe, Wes Davis wrote an outstanding commentary of this case by staying neutral and allowing the readers to make their own questions about the case.
